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Cabinet’s decision this week to allow foreign fishing crew to enter New Zealand was a huge relief to companies that rely on that skilled labour to…
Four long years on from the Kaikoura earthquake, discussions are beginning on the reopening of the Kaikoura shellfish and seaweed fisheries.
The New Zealand seafood industry has just endured another week of mainstream media criticism.
They’ve got a few problems over the ditch getting Aussies to eat home-grown seafood.
The scientific journal Nature last week published research into the potential of seafood to feed the world up to the year 2050 and, mostly, it is…
During the first lockdown, the fishing industry ratcheted up its philanthropy, with many companies donating fish to those in need.
Fishers, farmers, growers and the construction industry are in a worker crisis.
They’re taking mental health seriously in the Australian fishing industry and in New Zealand there is political will, and money, to address the same…
The big winner at last night’s Seafood Sustainability Awards was a man who has spent almost 20 years working to protect seabirds and marine mammals in…
At a time when the QMS seems to be under increasing scrutiny by ill-informed critics there is perhaps a certain irony that one of the most fervent…
The launch today of the Ministry for Primary Industries’ (MPI) new website on jobs is welcomed by the seafood industry.
It’s been a long ten days of scandal in political circles and it has drawn well-deserved public condemnation.