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Lisa Futschek is the Chief Executive of Seafood New Zealand. In this week’s Update she reacts to some of the egregious misinformation being put into…
Seafood New Zealand recently visited Dunedin. What we learned has applications across our industry and country.
In uncertain times, we remain sure that trade is a good thing and that New Zealanders can be proud of how much food we supply to the world.
All about a pilot independent inshore trawl survey taking place off the East Coast of the North Island.
Seafood New Zealand has just published its first Year in Review. Writing it was a revelation.
Most fishers, it would be fair to say, enjoy a good…
This week Minister Shane Jones launched the consultation on the proposed amendments to the Fisheries Act.
Industry body, Seafood New Zealand says proposed changes to commercial fishing rules are a win for consumers, common sense and sustainability.
Seafood New Zealand CEO Lisa Futschek and GM of Inshore, Tiff Bock, share two different experiences of what’s happening in the Hauraki Gulf.
Whether we are speaking on the radio, talking to friends or being good citizens by taking part in the democratic process, using our voices to talk…
An end-of-year message from Seafood New Zealand CEO Lisa Futschek.
Research and development by New Zealand’s leading fish biology and genomics scientists for the aquaculture industry also has huge potential for…
After more than a decade of proactive engagement, bycatch mitigation trials and innovations, and significant industry investment in observer coverage,…