Speaking at the New Zealand seafood industry’s national conference in Wellington, Connelly (download image) said the New Zealand seafood industry is highly regarded globally and showed leadership in a number of fishing and seafood related areas including:

  • The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation Committee of Fisheries
  • The United Nations Food and Agriculture and World Health Organisation Committee on Nutrition
  • The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Attaining third party certifications, for example Marine Stewardship Council certifications
  • International Fisheries Associations and events

New Zealand is respected internationally for the quality of its fisheries research and science information, which included rigorous peer review processes,

he said.

It also punches above its weight considering its distance from major markets.

And none of these achievements was at the expense of the marine environment. New Zealand could be proud of its marine resources management. A global study of 53 maritime countries placed New Zealand first for its marine resources management, he said.

New Zealand’s 30-year-old Quota Management System had led the way by providing a fine balance between utilisation and sustainability to ensure viable fisheries for current and future generations, he said.

The National Fisheries Institute (NFI) is America's leading trade association. As well as being President of the NFI, John Connelly has served as Chairman of International Coalition of Fisheries Associations and as a Board Trustee of the Marine Stewardship Council. He currently serves on the Boards of Directors of the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation and ALLFISH Board, a public-private partnership with the World Bank.