Seafood NZ chief executive Tim Pankhurst says the industry is concerned at the drip-feed release of leaked reports aimed at discrediting a key export and domestic sector. 

"These reports have been fed piecemeal to media by opponents of the commercial fishing industry. 

"These historical documents were assessments to better inform fisheries management and issues identified have been addressed. 

"The fact they are being used to try to discredit New Zealand internationally, undermine certification and close deepwater fisheries is tantamount to economic sabotage. 

"To be clear. These documents are historic. The issues raised in them have been addressed. 

"Also to be clear. This industry has admitted publicly that it hasn't always got it right in the past but it is constantly upping its game and striving to do better. 

"We are proud of the advances we have made and we stand by our Promise campaign.

"We suggest that those who seek to undermine us through half-truths, misinformation and the leaking of documents without context examine their motives and instead work with us to further improve our performance and reputation."

The 2012 southern blue whiting (SBW) report released today states; the risks identified in this report were addressed with industry members prior to the commencement of the 2013 SBW (southern blue whiting) season. 

It further says: The 2011 and 2012 stock assessments suggest that the level of illegal and unreported catch is thought to be low. In April 2012 SBW gained Marine Stewardship Council certification. Assessors found that the targeted stock was healthy, fishing practices have minimal impact on the marine ecosystem and overall the fishery was well managed.