Hosted by Graeme Sinclair, the show traverses New Zealand’s coastline, and further, telling the sector’s stories.

Ocean Bounty is a 13 episode series that begins on Three this Sunday, May 13 at 5pm.

“The stories are about sustainability, the value of the Quota Management System and investigating what the industry does not only to protect fish stocks for now, but also for our kids,” Sinclair said.

Having a successful season under the belt opened a lot of doors, Sinclair said

“What we found is because of season one, people have really opened up to us perhaps in more ways than they would have otherwise,” he said.

“It makes the stories more compelling and will give this season a little bit extra for viewers.”

Season two starts in Kaikoura, where Sinclair explores the lingering effects of 2016’s devastating earthquake, along with looking at the role community organisation Te Korowai has on the management of the marine environment.

“The commercial industry has a lot of great stories to tell and that is what Ocean Bounty is about.

“An episode will follow Sealord’s new vessel Tokatu from its build in Norway all the way back to Nelson.

“Maori are key players in New Zealand fishing and we examine effective fisheries management through their eyes.

“Innovation plays a big role this season as we look at Spat NZ, a successful mussel breeding programme is changing the sector, and see how the industry is fishing smarter to be protect marine animals.

“There are so many great yarns to tell this season and we can’t wait for the New Zealand public to see that.”


Ocean Bounty is a 13 episode series that begins on Three on Sunday, May 13 at 5pm.