Several of the Seafood New Zealand crew just completed a visit to Dunedin. What we learned has applications across our industry and country.
They call it a "Dunners’ stunner" – a really lovely Dunedin day that defies the expectations about the southern city’s weather. We had a Dunners’ stunner on Monday, when we rolled up to the Carey’s Bay Hotel to meet with local Otago and Southland fishers. The group of 24 gave up some of their own time to meet with Seafood New Zealand’s Board Chair Greg Gent, CEO Lisa Futschek and Communications GM Fiona MacMillan plus the CEO of Fishserve, Caroline Read. Our group was in town as part of an outreach programme to get around all of our key fishing centres, learning from as many of our people as possible.
Given the weather was so good, many people remarked that we were lucky to get such a great turnout. Maybe the beers on offer had something to do with it, or maybe it was the local generosity and the willingness to share ideas and to hear about the proposed amendments to the Fisheries Act that are out for consultation right now.
It is so important for all of us in this industry to have our voices heard in this process. That was the key message we were taking to Dunedin. And it's worth repeating that message again for everyone reading this who is connected to our industry. Please, please speak out on your own behalf and on behalf of every fisher in your region. There are details about how to do that on our website.
The key questions
There were two main things on the minds of the fishers at the Carey’s Bay Hotel regarding the proposed amendments. Many had questions about ensuring privacy with cameras, which tells us that it really is important that camera footage is exempt from the Official Information Act. This is vital – not to avoid transparency, because all the data from the cameras will still be shared with the public – but to make sure our fishers aren’t the target of attacks that put their safety and wellbeing at risk, as well as the need to have a respect for natural privacy and commercial sensitivity.
The other big area is monitored returns. This is more complicated, so please take a look at the detail in a simple form on our website.
What’s happening in the South – the local issues (which might also be yours)
In Otago and Southland, local infrastructure is a significant issue. The Carey’s Bay wharf is in a near-dangerous state. Fishers want to see it restored. But there is reluctance on the part of the Port to fund it. Seafood New Zealand raised this issue with local politicians straight after our meeting with Dunedin fishers.
We know it is not an isolated concern. We are an industry under financial pressure – we do not have the money to fund infrastructure upgrades. But we are also not properly understood or appreciated in all the places around New Zealand that we operate (including the 17 ports with significant commercial fishing activity and 19 regional centres which are home to seafood processing). We understand this problem and we are working to raise the profile of our industry, to help us be heard by local decision makers.
Protected species are as much as issue in the South as they are anywhere across Aotearoa. In Otago and Southland the biggest concerns are around Hector’s dolphins and the hoiho, or yellow eyed penguins.
Fishers really have done a lot to try and avoid harming either of these species. In the case of the dolphins, they are in the process of adopting more dolphin dissuader devices, have noted operational factors that contribute to captures, and have identified key high risk areas to avoid when possible.
Regarding the penguins, with our fleet now carrying cameras we can point to the reliability of MPI data around penguin captures showing that five were killed by fishing activity in the 2023/24 year. Yes, this is too many, but it is not a number that will ultimately determine whether the population thrives or declines. There are so many factors affecting these iconic birds, as we heard in our meeting with the Yellow Eyed Penguin Trust, disease being a key one along with climate change.
What we would say to everyone concerned about protected species is: let’s keep talking about practical ideas to make a real difference to our marine mammals and birds. Talk that results in positive action. Fishers in Otago have done many things designed to help the penguins, including significant area closures and supplying food for chicks. We want to keep helping and we will certainly keep innovating.
National lessons from local experiences
Seafood New Zealand people regularly travel to key fishing centres around Aotearoa. This week’s trip wasn’t new in that sense. But over the coming months, we will be making a point of getting to a town near you to hear your thoughts and concerns. This week’s session was called Beers and Ideas. Christchurch and Nelson, you’re next for a drink and a chat.