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Seafood New Zealand regularly updates industry stakeholders on issues and events in The Update eNewsletter.

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It has been 22 years, but NZ’s determination to lead the global push to eliminate fisheries subsidies had an outcome last week at the WTO.

Export figures show that support from MPI is paying real dividends in the dairy, meat and wool, arable, forestry, horticulture, and seafood sectors.

The 2016 earthquake was unpredictable, but the pillaging of 35 tonne of pāua within a three-month window by recreational fishers was.

New Zealand seafood will be the headline event at the biggest food festival in the Southern Hemisphere.

The New Zealand fishing industry is barely treading water as wave after wave of costs threaten to take businesses under.

The first major review of the Fisheries Act in 20 years is before Parliament.

Fishers will now be permitted to bring deceased dolphins into port.

Industry insistence that fishing wasn't cause of dolphin demise borne out by advice given to Oceans & Fisheries and Conservation Ministers.

Three recent scientific papers have highlighted the benefits of favouring seafood in your diet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and be healthy.

Congratulations to Tā Tipene O'Regan for being awarded New Zealander of the Year 2022.

Seafood New Zealand would like to congratulate the winners of the biennial Seabird Smart Awards.

People love dolphins, they never fail to draw a crowd.