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The Government’s consultation on catch limits for New Zealand’s largest orange roughy fishery has brought this deepsea fish into the spotlight again.

Fisheries New Zealand (FNZ) is currently reviewing feedback on proposed seabird mitigation measures for surface longliners (SLL). Much of the media’s…

This week MPI announced that on-board cameras delivered by Spark will go live on the first tranche of inshore fishing vessels on 1 August.

Listening to Radio New Zealand ‘The Panel’ members muse on the Hauraki Gulf, I noticed how the Gulf tends to be alluded to as a treasure, a jewel, and…

On 14 June, the University of Washington released substantial analysis casting further doubt on the Sala et al. 2021 study that was published in the…

The Ministry for Primary Industries yesterday launched its latest Situation and Outlook for Primary Industries (SOPI). The report notes that seafood…

With big challenges on the horizon and submissions sought on the future of commercial fishing, the industry explains why it sees much to gain in a…

Oceans and Fisheries Minister Rachel Brooking has only been in the role a little more than a month and her first speech was yesterday, to delegates at…

Objections to the overlapping powers of the Resource Management Act (RMA), and the Fisheries Act have been addressed by the Environment Select…

Two years after being received, a paper questioning claims that trawling generates more carbon than air travel has finally been published in the same…

The Fisheries New Zealand Seafood Sustainability Awards were last held in 2020 because of Covid disruptions and it is great to see them back to…

Stories of investment in the commercial fishing industry are demonstrating that the tide is turning on a difficult few years.