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Seafood New Zealand regularly updates industry stakeholders on issues and events in The Update eNewsletter.

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Maintaining the health, safety and wellbeing of the people in the commercial fishing industry is a top priority here in Aotearoa and has been for some…

There has been a lot of opinions shared of late about new Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, Shane Jones – he’s too close to industry, he’s…

This week for The Update, we are handing over the reins to a fisher – Nathan Hines from Timaru who fishes solo in the mixed fishery in the Canterbury…

This is our first Update for 2024 and while it may officially be too late to say Happy New Year, we do hope your year has got off to a good start. The…

Welcome to the last Update of 2023. What a year! If we thought that things would return to normal after the Covid years, we may have spoken too soon.

When the previous Government announced its intentions to drastically restrict commercial fishing in the Hauraki Gulf (Tīkapa Moana /Te…

Over 25 million ocean temperature measurements later, fishers who participated in the Moana Project have overwhelmingly approved making their data…

You may recall from the 28 July Update that Seafood New Zealand recommended to Fisheries New Zealand that the catch limit in the East and South…

At Seafood New Zealand, we consistently emphasise the importance of science and our firm view that accurate data and robust science are the right…

As we write this week’s Update, the composition of Cabinet is still uncertain. But it is safe to say that any minister with a fisheries, oceans,…

Christmas has a way of sneaking up on you. In case you haven’t checked your calendar recently, there’s only eight weeks left. With better weather…

I’ve been doing a lot of talking, reading, and thinking with ICFA members lately. ICFA is the International Coalition of Fisheries Associations.…