Elephant fish
Maori Name: North Island - Reperepe / South Island - Repe
Latin Name: Callorhinchus milii
Weight: 2-6kg, up to 9kg
Length: 60-90cm
Family:Elephant fish belong tothe Callorhinchidae family.
Elephant fish are most common on the east cosat of the South Island to depths of 200 metres. They are similar to the species found off southern Australia, South Africa and South America
Sustainability of this New Zealand fish stock is ensured through the world-leading Fisheries Act and Quota Management System (QMS). The QMS guides the sustainable use of New Zealand fisheries. Find out what the QMS is and how it works.
Elephant fish are mostly caught by set net or trawl.
Females come closer inshore in spring to lay their eggs. These ar eencased in a horny brown capsule. The eggs incuabate for five to eight montyhs, and juveniles remain in shallow water for up to three years. After laying their eggs, the adults disperse and are difficult to catch. They are thought to be fast growing and short lived.
Wild Caught