Maori Name: Mātataharaki
Latin Name: Rexea solandri
Weight: 2–5kg, up to 15kg
Length: 60–90cm, reaching over 175cm
Family:Gemfish belong to the Gempylidae family (snake mackerels).
They are found within a wide depth range of between 50 and 550 metres on the continental shelf, and sometimes as deep as 800 metres. They are voracious predators that feed on a wide variety of squid and fish.
Sustainability of this New Zealand fish stock is ensured through the world-leading Fisheries Act and Quota Management System (QMS). The QMS guides the sustainable use of New Zealand fisheries. Find out what the QMS is and how it works.
Gemfish are usually caught by trawlers in coastal waters around mainland New Zealand.
Gemfish are fast-swimming, voracious predators with strong jaws and knife-like teeth, which should be avoided when handling the fish, either dead or alive.
Gemfish is a good source of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Manganese, Selenium; and a source of Niacin (Vitamin B3), Iodine, Phosphorus, Potassium
Seafood is a highly nutritious food and is a great source of protein. Many species are low in saturated fat and a number of them are a good source of Omega 3.
Wild Caught