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Seafood New Zealand regularly updates industry stakeholders on issues and events in The Update eNewsletter.

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Seafood New Zealand is always trying to serve its members and the sector better. Your answers to our recent industry survey told us a lot about the…

No one likes a bad result, whether it’s an election, an exam or a sports match.  But when we get one, we have to face it, front it and figure out how…

Sometimes it’s hard to get the good news out there about commercial fishing, but there are things we can all do to address that. Here’s how. 

Guest editors Darren Guard and Darryn Shaw share the safety developments they’re seeing in the seafood industry, and why competition needs to be left…

Rammed, backdoor, sleazy? What are we talking about this week? Don’t let the opening words fool you, we’re talking about the future of the Hauraki…

When most of the public don’t differentiate between where mussels and monkfish come from, how can fishing and aquaculture learn from each other and…

This week is the first of the 2024/25 fishing year. Not everyone is happy about the latest sustainability round decisions, but can they be?

CEO Lisa Futschek has been in Nelson, where several big themes have emerged, including the urgent need for change to enable our sector to thrive.

In this week’s The Update, we’re reflecting on the Seafood Directions Conference in Hobart, which took place 10-12 September. The event brought…

We clear up some confusion over whether we are taking full advantage of free trade agreements and give you an update on some of the changes we’re…

Keith Mawson from Egmont Seafoods in New Plymouth, has been fishing on the North Island’s West Coast for well over 30 years. This week he shares his…

Why should we care about sustainability? It is expensive, difficult and sometimes hard to understand. This week’s The Update looks at what we’re up…